What Causes Dilated Pupils
Aug 02, 2023 By Madison Evans

Have you ever noticed your pupils in the mirror becoming larger than normal? Or, a friend or family member has mentioned it to you. Many factors can cause dilated pupils. Stimuli, like light and drugs, and medical causes, such as neurological disorders, can all contribute to the dilation of the pupils.

We'll discuss what causes dilated pupils with detailed information on medical conditions, medications, and treatments that may be necessary for affected individuals. You will want to take advantage of this essential knowledge.

What are Dilated Pupils?

Dilated pupils, also known as mydriasis, are when the pupil becomes larger than usual. The pupils are the black circles in the center of the eyes that allow light to enter and adjust according to different illumination levels.

Normally, these contract or dilate depending on how much light is present. However, if a person has dilated pupils, their eyes will remain open longer, even when little or no light is present.

What do dilated pupils look like?

Dilated pupils usually appear larger than normal. They may also be darker in color or have an asymmetrical shape. Additionally, someone with dilated pupils might experience blurry vision or sensitivity to light.

Causes Dilated Pupils

There are many causes of dilated pupils, including medical and environmental factors. Common culprits include:


Many drugs can cause dilated pupils, including recreational drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy and prescription medications like antidepressants or stimulants.

Neurological Conditions

Certain neurological conditions can also cause dilated pupils, including brain tumors, hydrocephalus, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Additionally, certain medications used to treat these conditions may cause pupil dilation as a side effect.


Stress is a common factor in the dilation of pupils. High levels of stress hormones released during intense emotional reactions can affect pupil size.

Additionally, certain scenarios, such as public speaking or a job interview, can cause temporary pupil dilation due to the heightened stress and anxiety associated with it. Prolonged periods of stress can lead to chronic dilated pupils if not addressed.


Bright light exposure causes the pupil to widen, so more light enters the eye and helps with vision clarity. This is why many people prefer to work in a brightly lit area, and it’s even better if there is natural light. Aside from the practical use, we also find bright light pleasing for aesthetic reasons.

Eye Damage

If damage has occurred to the iris or other parts of the eye, it could cause dilated pupils. Cataracts, glaucoma, and other eye diseases can cause permanent pupil dilation, as can certain types of eye surgeries. An injury to the head or face could damage the nerves in pupil movement and cause dilated pupils.

Eye injury

Eye injuries can be very serious and require urgent medical attention. In some cases, an eye injury can lead to permanent vision loss or even blindness, depending on the severity of the damage. It is important to seek medical help immediately if an eye injury has occurred, as it may be possible to avoid long-term consequences with proper treatment.

Head trauma

Head trauma is an injury to the brain from a blow or jolt to the head. It can range from mild, such as a concussion, to severe, such as a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Head trauma can cause long-term effects and may even be fatal in extreme cases.

Symptoms of head trauma include headache, dizziness, memory loss, confusion, difficulty concentrating, fatigue/sleep disturbances, irritability/mood swings, depression/anxiety, and more. Treatment for head trauma often involves medication or physical therapy.

Small vessel cranial nerve palsy

Small vessel cranial nerve palsy palsy is an incredibly common neurological disorder that impacts the functioning of the facial muscles. Conditions like diabetes or strokes can cause it, and it causes pain, numbness, weakness, and double vision in affected individuals. Despite these serious symptoms, there are several things to like about Small vessel cranial nerve palsy palsy.


Migraine is a surprisingly common issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Despite this, there are some great things to like about migraine.

First and foremost, it is treatable. With the help of medications, lifestyle changes, and other methods, such as cognitive behavior therapy, many people can find relief from their symptoms and manage their migraines more effectively.

Ocular migraine

Ocular migraine is a type of migraine that causes temporary vision changes, such as blind spots or blurry vision. Although this may seem like a frightening experience, there are some great things to like about ocular migraine.

How are dilated pupils treated?

Treatment for dilated pupils depends on the underlying cause. For medical causes, such as neurological conditions or injuries to the eye and head, medications or physical therapy may be recommended to help improve symptoms.

If drug use is the cause of pupil dilation, treatment may involve a combination of detoxification from drugs and therapy to address addiction issues. Relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation can help reduce anxiety levels and pupil size in cases where stress is a factor. Avoiding bright light exposure can help with short-term relief from dilated pupils.

In rare cases, surgery may be necessary to treat pupil dilation caused by nerve damage or abnormally sized pupils. However, this should only be considered after all other treatments have been explored.

It is important to seek medical attention if you are experiencing persistent dilated pupils, as there may be underlying causes that need to be addressed. Your doctor may refer you to a specialist for further evaluation and treatment.

How long will my pupils be dilated?

The length of time your pupils will remain dilated depends on the underlying cause. Generally, drug-induced dilation only lasts for a few hours, while neurological conditions or injuries may cause long-term dilation.

Stress or light exposure can also lead to temporary pupil dilation that should eventually return to normal with proper care and relaxation techniques.

It is important to seek medical attention if you are experiencing persistent dilated pupils, as there may be underlying causes that need to be addressed. Your doctor may refer you to a specialist for further evaluation and treatment.

When should I contact my healthcare provider?

If you are experiencing persistent dilated pupils and other symptoms, such as headaches, blurred vision, or difficulty focusing, it is important to contact your healthcare provider.

These can be signs of a more serious issue that needs to be addressed by a medical professional. It is best to seek medical attention if your pupils do not return to normal size after several hours or days.


What causes pupils to get bigger?

Various factors, including drugs, neurological conditions, stress, light exposure, eye damage, head trauma, and Small vessel cranial nerve palsy palsy, can cause pupil dilation.

Are big pupils normal?

Pupils are naturally larger in dim light and smaller in bright light. However, if your pupils remain dilated for an extended period, it is important to seek medical attention, as an underlying condition or injury could cause this.

How long do eyes stay dilated?

The length of time your pupils remain dilated depends on the underlying cause. Generally, drug-induced dilation only lasts for a few hours, while neurological conditions or injuries may cause long-term dilation. Stress or light exposure can also lead to temporary pupil dilation that should eventually return to normal with proper care and relaxation techniques.


In conclusion, determining why an individual’s pupils are dilated can be complex and require medical assistance. If your pupils are consistently dilated, it's important to visit your doctor to get an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan. Dilated pupils may be caused by many different factors, both physiological and psychological, as seen in this article. Recognizing when conditions such as anxiety or preexisting medical conditions could affect pupil dilation is essential. With the right help, people with dilated pupils can obtain the answers and relief they need for their well-being.