Matcha Tea: Your Secret Weapon for Better Health
Aug 05, 2023 By Madison Evans

Matcha Tea, renowned for its vibrant green color, and unique, savory taste, is more than just a refreshing beverage. It's a powerhouse of antioxidants and nutrients that can radically uplift your health. Packed with compounds called catechins, Matcha provides a host of benefits from boosting metabolism, enhancing mood, to even potentially reducing the risk of heart disease. In this article, we'll delve into the world of Matcha Tea and unpack why it should be a part of your daily regimen.

The History of Matcha Tea:

Matcha Tea has a rich and vibrant history that dates back to the Tang Dynasty in China, where it was initially processed for easy transport. The tea leaves were steamed, molded into bricks, and then dried. These bricks were ground into powder as needed, then whipped into hot water. This practice was later adopted by the Song Dynasty, where whisking powdered tea in a bowl became an elaborate ritual among the nobility.

It wasn't until the 12th century when Buddhist monks brought the tea to Japan that it evolved into the Matcha we know today. Eisai, a Japanese monk, incorporated Matcha into meditation practices, appreciating the calming alertness the tea provided. Over time, Japanese tea farmers developed unique cultivation techniques to enhance the flavor and nutritional profile of Matcha.

By the 16th century, the Japanese tea ceremony, known as Chanoyu, centered around the serving and drinking of Matcha, had become an integral part of Japanese culture. This tea ceremony celebrated simplicity, tranquility, and respect. Today, Matcha Tea continues to be a beloved beverage and a symbol of traditional Japanese culture, enjoyed not just for its health benefits, but also for its historical significance and ceremonial preparation.

Benefits of Matcha Tea:

  • Weight Loss: Studies have found that drinking Matcha Tea can help you burn up to four times as many calories as other teas, making it an ideal part of any weight loss plan.
  • Memory Enhancer: The L-theanine in the tea has been proven to improve memory and learning performance by stimulating the production of alpha waves.
  • Stress Relief: Matcha Tea contains high levels of the amino acid, L-Theanine which helps to reduce stress and anxiety while creating a sense of well-being.
  • Heart Health: Catechins found in Matcha Tea have been linked to improved heart health by reducing bad cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Immune System Support: Catechins have also been shown to help support the body’s immune system and reduce inflammation.

Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing Matcha Tea:

  • Measure the Matcha powder: Using a traditional bamboo scoop or a teaspoon, measure out 1-2 spoons of Matcha powder into a ceramic bowl.
  • Heat water: Bring 6 oz of water to a temperature of 170-180 degrees Fahrenheit. It's important not to let the water boil because it can scorch the Matcha and create a bitter taste.
  • Pour the water over the Matcha: Slowly pour the hot water over the Matcha powder in the bowl.
  • Whisk: Using a traditional bamboo whisk known as a Chasen, whisk the Matcha and water together. Start whisking slowly, then move faster, whisking in a zig-zag pattern. Continue until the tea has a frothy consistency.
  • Enjoy: Now that your Matcha tea is prepared, sit back, sip, and enjoy the unique flavors and health benefits of this remarkable beverage.

Tips for selecting high-quality Matcha:

  • Check the expiration date: Make sure you purchase Matcha from a reliable source that provides an expiration date on their packages.
  • Read labels carefully: Different grades of Matcha are available, and it's important to be aware of what you're buying; for instance, if you’re looking for culinary grade vs ceremonial grade.
  • Color matters: Make sure the Matcha powder is a vibrant green color. Any yellow tinges or brown spots indicate that the tea may be of lower quality.
  • Check for freshness: Make sure to store your Matcha in an airtight container away from heat and direct light. Doing so will help preserve its flavor and nutrients for a longer period of time.

What Sets Matcha Apart from Other Teas?

Unlike other teas that are steeped and strained, Matcha is a finely ground powder made from whole tea leaves. This means you consume the entire leaf, benefiting from all its nutrients. Unlike most teas, Matcha is shade-grown, a process that increases its chlorophyll content and contributes to its vibrant hue. The grinding process also preserves the L-Theanine and caffeine, allowing for a slow release of energy and a state of calm alertness, unlike the immediate jolt offered by most caffeinated beverages. The rich, savory taste of Matcha, known as umami, is yet another distinguishing factor. It's a flavor profile absent in most other teas, providing a distinctively satisfying experience for the palate. Thus, Matcha stands out not just for its superior health benefits, but for its unique cultivation, preparation, and flavor as well.


The world of Matcha Tea is as vibrant and fascinating as the beverage itself. Its rich history, inextricably linked to the cultural heritage of Japan, its unique cultivation and preparation technique, and its myriad health benefits all contribute to its growing popularity around the globe. Whether you're sipping it for its potential to aid weight loss, enhance memory, reduce stress, support heart health or boost your immune system, each cup offers a moment of tranquility, a connection to centuries of tradition, and a taste of the unique umami flavor that sets Matcha apart from all other teas. Truly, Matcha Tea offers an experience that goes beyond its healthful brew, touching the realms of culture, history, and a unique tea-drinking ritual.


Whata Tea?

Matcha Tea is a finely ground powder made from specially grown and processed green tea leaves. It has become popular in recent years due to its high nutritional content, rich flavor, and calming alertness it provides.

What are the benefits of drinking Matcha Tea?

Matcha Tea has been linked to weight loss, improved memory and learning performance, stress relief, heart health support, immune system support and reduced inflammation.

How do you prepare Matcha Tea?

The traditional way to prepare Matcha is with a bamboo whisk known as a Chasen, which is used to mix the powder in hot water until it has a frothy consistency.